Our Islands, Our Future

How safe is your business data?
Are you an easy target for hackers?
How can you protect yourself from cyber-crime?

Data Security will be a key topic at the Hawaii Small Business Conference that will help business owners find practical IT (Information Technology) solutions that fit into how their company operates and what they can afford. “We want to present people with the realities of what cyber-crimes exist now, what we can expect to see in the future, and then suggest defenses that their businesses can take to mitigate or eliminate these risks,” said Gerry Smith, MEDB Director of Business Development. “There will be insights into how clever these criminals are, examples of actual crimes that could have been prevented through awareness, plus much more.”

Edward Arias, FBI Special Agent, Cyber-Crime Squad

Edward Arias

The presentation on Data Security and Small Business by Edward Arias, FBI Special Agent, Cyber-Crime Squad, Honolulu Division; and Matt Freeman, Senior Manager, IP & Managed Services, Hawaiian Telcom, will offer insights on how to sharpen your understanding of risks with your online ventures. “Arias will explore data-security from the perspective of the criminal, outlining the vulnerabilities and ‘holes’ in security that make many businesses perfect targets,” Smith noted. “Freeman will approach it from the opposite perspective, concentrating on what a small company can do to prevent being a victim of cyber-crime.”

“For the last several years, my focus has been on building Information Security programs for businesses,” Freeman said. “I spend my days — and nights — helping business owners prepare their own individual defenses. I am confident I can provide conference participants with an interesting perspective for defense than aligns with Arias’s insights on attacks.”

The first-ever Hawaii Small Business Conference at the Maui Arts & Cultural Center on May 3-4 offers innovative specialists and leaders in all sectors of the business community. Hosted by Maui Economic Development Board (MEDB) and the Mayor’s Office of Economic Development, the two-day conference will offer keynote speakers, case studies, workshops, networking, and product and service exhibits.

For information and reservations for the 2017 Hawaii Small Business Conference, visit www.HawaiiSmall.Biz.

Con artists are targeting people. At the Hawaii Small Business Conference we will share what you can do to prevent scams and hacking and increase your online security.

Edward Arias, FBI Special Agent, Cyber-Crime Squad, Honolulu Division